By Simone (from the 80’s Seminar Series)
- Normal; heel to toe
- With the beat of the music
- Count “and 1 and 2;” steps are taken on the beat
- Bring the foot through with no contact to the floor
- When one knee is bent, both knees are bent
- When one knee is straight, both knees are straight
- Count “AND” the knees are straight
- Count “1” (or any number) the knees are bent
- Drill this with the music for several minutes
- Stress keeping the foot limber; don’t point or flex the foot
- Stress the knee bend with the step as the step is taken flat-footed. — Much drill should be put into this.
- Stress that steps are not long. Short steps keep your body in line and you have better control.
- This is a continuation of through step; however, the toe makes contact with the floor as the foot comes forward.
- Stress both knees straighten with the brush; keep the foot limber.
- Don’t let the feet get too far apart. Think of straight knees on the rock and bent knees on the step. This is more up and down motion, not as much back and forward.
- Make sure the foot that is doing the rock is allowing the ball of the foot to make contact, not the heel.
- Brush Step & Rock Step Chain
- Brush Step — Rock Step — Rock Step — Rock Step
- (BR S R S R S R S)
- Brush Step — Brush Step — Brush Step — Rock Step
- (BR S BR S BR S R S ) ( & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4) = count
- Brush Step — Rock Step
- (BR S R S ) (& 1 & 2) = count
SHUFFLE (Drag Slide)
- Drag is a back and upward movement. The weight is on the balls of the feet and the heels are slightly off the ground. The knees are straight.
- Slide is a forward and downward movement. The heels make contact with the ground and the foot is flat. The knees are straight.
- Stress body alignment. Do not allow the student to use their shoulders or hips to create the movement — this allows using muscles unnecessarily.
- Do not allow the student to hop. The balls of the feet are contact with the floor at all times.
- Brush Step Brush Slide (& 1 & 2) = count
- On the slide, the knee of the free foot is pulled up. There is a 90 angle in the leg and the foot is directly below the knee.
- Do not allow the student to pull the foot back or flex it forward — the foot is limber.
- Do not allow the student to hop forward on the slide.
- Stress small steps and body alignment.
- The triple kick is also good to teach at this time (BR S BR S BR S BR SL)
- Have the student think “Brush touch step” and do it.
- Do not let the student “dribble” the foot by tapping it along the floor.
- Do not let the student bring the foot forward then pull it back in order to get two sounds.
- Stress that the action is done in the knee. When attempting the double toe, the knees start bent and then straighten as the action is being executed.