By Simone (from the 80’s Seminar Series)
- Find a studio or building to teach in
- Have flyers printed
- Name of studio
- Day of class
- Small map to studio location
- Names and phone numbers of 3 people to contact for more information.
- Advertise
- Take flyers to friends, stores, schools, etc.
- Run ad in paper classified section under instructions
- Run larger ad in paper if funds are available
- Send a story about yourself and your clogging group if you have one to the paper — sometimes they will print it and that is great exposure.
- Radio and TV ads are a great help, however, most of us aren’t ready to sink that kind of money into an ad.
- If you have a team, line up performances at the local malls — hand out flyers. You will be surprised at the response you get.
- Greet all students with a BIG smile!
- Give students a form to fill out with their name, address, and phone number. If the student is a child be sure to get the parent’s name.
- Collect the money before the class begins.
- Help students by knowing ahead of time where they can get shoes, taps, and records to practice with. They will ask unless you give them a hand out with all this information on it.
- Try to call people by name. Learning the names as quickly as possible will be an asset to you.
- Make everyone feel welcome — encourage them to bring a friend with them next week. I usually sign people for three weeks. Give all the students flyers to give to their friends and post at work.
- Explain that the first few weeks is a lot of drill. They may feel like they are going too slow but stress this time is very important.
- Using the guide for “Teaching Beginners,” start them on their way!
- Give each student a hand out with the steps they are learning. Show them how to red it. Then have them read it back to you.
- As you teach, walk by each student and clog with him/her for a few minutes. Special attention sometimes makes them nervous, but it pays off in the long run.
- Keep telling your students they are doing well; verbal praise goes a long way in building confidence of those who may be shy and self-conscious.
- I usually have a graduation ceremony after 12 weeks and give each student a diploma. This is a time whey they can invite their families and friends into the class to watch. Be sure to tell all the students that they will graduate — they like the thought of getting a diploma.
- I run my class on a “pay-by-the-month” basis. Make sure to announce the week before payday and don’t be afraid to tactfully remind everyone not to be late with their payments — you have bills to pay too!
- Encourage all students to attend workshops and performances where they can see good cloggers. Keep them motivated, and they will keep you motivated!
- Give them a certain place to stand.
- Get them to raise their hand if they have a question or want to say something — sometimes they think of wild things during class that they want to tell you.
- Make friends with them. Shake their hand, hug them, pat them on the head. Sometimes the younger ones are scared of people they don’t know.
- If they cry or ar undisciplined try to get them to behave, but if you can’t ask them if they want to sit down. Their behavior is contagious — if one cries the others get scared and cry — if one is wild, they all want to be wild!
- Teaching steps:
- Don’t spend too much time on one thing, they get bored.
- Play music as much as possible, they like to hear it and they do better.
- Steps in order: (remember teaching younger children is different than teaching older children and adults)
- Start with Rock Step an each leg – do it to music.
- Stress bending the knee on the front leg.
- Use a rhyme that they can remember and say out loud “Up on your toe & down in a hole.” This tells them exactly what to do.
- Double Toe — has to be taught different — “front, back, step”
- Play a lot of follow the leader games, you have to dance, or they wan’t know what to do, they are imitating you — you must be a perfect example, if you are not and are lazy, they will be lazy.
- Spend about 5 minutes on each thing, then move to something else, you will repeat the process two or three times during a class.